Romanians’ Abroad

Romanians Abroad can enroll in university studies without paying tuition fees only for the study programs taught in Romanian.

Romanians Abroad who do not know the Romanian language will be required to attend the Romanian language preparatory year, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

Romanians Abroad who have acquired Romanian language skills, in non-formal or informal contexts, can obtain the certification of these skills through an assessment (minimum level B1). The evaluation and attestation will be organized at „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts.

When registering for study programs that require Romanian linguistic competencies, the following categories of persons are exempt from the obligation to present the certificate of graduation of the Romanian language preparatory year:

-          persons who present Romanian study documents (diplomas and certificates) or study documents/transcript of records which prove at least four consecutive years of study followed in Romanian language in an educational institution in Romania or abroad, as well as certificates or attestations of linguistic competence minimum level B2, issued by the Romanian Language Institute.

Step 1: Prepare the application file for university studies with the following documents

a) Application form  (Annex no. 2 of OMEN 3900/2017)    Anexa_2_Cerere_de_inscriere_2017-2018.pdf

b) Birth certificate – Photocopy

c) Photocopy of passport, valid for at least 6 months from the beginning of the study program - copy after the first 3 pages;

d) Photocopy of Baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent or, where applicable, certificate (for graduates of the current year) of passing the national examinations for graduation of high school;

e) Photocopy of the transcript of records for high school studies;

f) Copy of the recommendation of the hierarchs or the consent of local leaders of cults, for candidates for admission to theological higher education, as the case may be.

g) Declaration on own responsibility, based on the freely expressed will, to assume the Romanian cultural identity, according to the legislation in force (Annex no. 3 of OMEN 3900/2017)


h) Photocopy of the medical certificate to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from contagious diseases or other illnesses

For all documents that are not in Romanian or in one of the languages ​​of international circulation (English / French), a legalized translation is also required.


For more information on administrative issues, please contact Daniela Petrovici, Chief secretary of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu: daniela.petrovici@ulbsibiu.ro