Registration fee 0 RON
Annual tuition fee 0 RON / 1st year
This program taught in English is intended for students from Romania, but also for students from other countries. The subjects covered provide students with the skills necessary to be successful in today’s business environment.
Managerial economics
Managerial economics
Global Economic Policy and Governance
Intercultural managerial communication
Internal Marketing Strategies
French for Business Communication
English for Business Communication
Specialty Practice
Business Foreign Language
Marketing management
Digital Content Marketing
Managerial finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
International Project Management
Specialty practice
Business Foreign Language.
Robotic Processing Automation (RPA)
Knowledge management
Brand strategies
Competitive Strategies
E-Business Management
Business taxation
Legal Aspects of International Trading
Sales force and logistics
Specialty practice
Business Foreign Language
Strategy and strategic management
Strategy and strategic management
International standards for financial reporting (IAS/IFRS)
Business Simulation
Technology and Operations Management
Research seminar
Ethics and Academic Integrity
Elaboration of Dissertation Thesis
Specialty Practice
Business Foreign Language.
* The disciplines are related to the current education plan. Some of the subjects are compulsory, optional or optional.
Registration fee
The first installment of the tuition fee
First year tuition fee