Registration fee 0 RON
Annual tuition fee 0 RON / 1st year
The Professional Master’s program “Embedded Systems” in the field of study “Computers and Information Technology” prepares specialists in the field of computer science and engineering for academic and industrial research and development activities. The specialization allows familiarization with the new trends in the field of IT that emphasize the progressive shift from the computing machine to the contextual processing of information, found more and more prominently in today’s hardware-software engineering methods. In addition, graduates will constitute a good part of the candidates for doctoral studies in IT.
Procesare dedicată
Ingineria programării
Teoria sistemelor adaptive
Etică şi integritate academică
Practică profesională 1
Arhitectura sistemelor dedicate
Învăţare automată
Învăţare automată
Sisteme avansate de comunicaţii
Complexitatea algoritmilor
Practică profesională 2
Proiectarea sistemelor dedicate
Proiectarea sistemelor dedicate
Procesarea avansată a semnalelor
Sisteme informatice industriale
Internetul lucrurilor
Practică de cercetare I
Practică de cercetare II
Practică elaborare disertaţie
Elaborare disertaţie
* The disciplines are related to the current education plan. Some of the subjects are compulsory, optional or optional.
Registration fee
The first installment of the tuition fee
First year tuition fee