Intermediate meeting in the frame of E-FOOD project
A team from ULBS, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection, coordinated by Ion Dan Mironescu, participated in the period 14-16 of December to the intermediate meeting of the international Erasmus educational project “E-learning tools for Food technology and development education” E-FOOD. The meeting was organised by the University of Debrecen at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences and Environmental Management and Institute of Nutrition, coordinated by prof. dr. ing. Endre Mathe. Other participants in the intermediate meeting were the project members from the University of Food Technologies Plovdiv, Bulgaria (from the Faculty of Food Technology, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Eng. George Kostov, project leader); Université “Claude Bernard” Lyon, France (from Institute Universitaire de Technologie, with Pascal Dupeux as partner coordinator); University of Zaragoza (from the Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón, with prof. dr. ing. Rafael Pagan as coordinator).
During the meeting, the status of the E-FOOD project was analysed. George Kostov gave an overview of E-Food overall project progress and management. The development of educational databases and of teaching and training courses for students where discussed. The standards for the internal and external audits were established. The production plant Balmaz Bakery Ltd, affiliated with the Institute of Nutrition from University of Debrecen, was visited.
The project E-FOOD aims to support the digitization of educational systems in the field of food engineering, the creation of a digitized educational infrastructure, the establishment of a sustainable partnership between universities with a training profile in the field of food and food technology, the development of a common concept for the training of students in the field of food and technology feed, based on the digital content developed by the project participants on the e-learning platform. Within the project, didactic materials will be developed and three online trainings will be held with Bachelor and Master food students. To participate in the trainings, students will go through selection stages, which will be announced.
More information on the project website:
Contact: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. MIRONESCU Dan Ion, project coordinator at ULBS